The Peak City Section is a consortium of Rocky Mountain rocketry enthusiasts
who combined their talents to host NARAM-52 and Regional Competitions in Colorado.
See our Mission Statement
NARAM 60 will be held August 4 to August 11, 2018 in Pueblo Colorado by SCORE
The event will be graciously hosted by Southern Colorado Rocketeers at their Hudson Ranch site. The event will include the annual National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet, a sport flying range for model and high power rockets, an opportunity for Level 1, 2, and 3 HPR certifications, and many other events that will make this the rocketry event not to miss.
For information of upcoming NAR Regional contest see

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Peak City and all the rocketeers of Colorado hosted the 2010 NARAM-52 (52nd National
Association of Rocketry Annual Meet) which
was a Tribute to William S. Roe. The event was held at the S.C.O.R.E. (Section #632) launch site which is
located on the Hudson Ranch 17 miles SW of Pueblo, CO. The official dates were from
July 30 (friday) through August 6 (friday), 2010 and the host hotel was the Pueblo Clarion Inn.
William S. Roe Jr. was instrumental in helping G. Harry Stine found of the NAR, was the original president of the Peak City Section, and was
Contest Director at NARAM-2 (and NARAM-11). 50 years later we honored his memory. If you were a member of the original Mile-Hi or Peak City Sections, please let us know.
John Roe informed us that his mom, Katherine Roe passed in March 22, 2011, 6 months after our NARAM-52 tribute to her and the family.

Tribute to William (Bill) S. Roe Jr.
NARAM-52 Contest Results
Audited as of 8-8-2010
Contest Director: Mike Konshak
National Champions
A Division Champion: Alyssa Stenberg
B Division Champion: Katie Steele
C Division Champion: Patrick Peterson
Team Division Champion: Konshak-Anthony-Edmands
Section: SSS #508
HPR Champion: Tom Lyon
HPR Certifications: 20 L1s, 20 L2s and 2 L3s
Photo Galleries of NARAM 52
Peak City at NARAM-52 - Theresa Coker, Becky Konshak and others
Judy Horton Photography
Ray LaPanse Photography
